The ActivePure Technology (this is what keeps the International Space Station clean) Eliminates All RNA & DNA Viruses, Including SARS/CoV-2, Swine Flu, Avian Flu, & All Bacteria, Including Staph, Strep, E. Coli, >99% Within Minutes.
ActivePure Also Eliminates All Mold in Your Home or Office, Up to 3000 ft.²
Make Your Home or Business a Safe Space for Your Family, Your Customers & Your Computers*
*binds dust particles & drops them to the floor
Make Your Home & Your Business a Safe Space: 3 Minute Video…
The Exchange Interview With Vollara CEO: Make Indoor Air Safe (Return to Normal)
Indoor Air is More Polluted Than Outdoor Air: Protect Your Loved Ones
ActivePure® Named in Top 7 Space Technologies that Changed the World!
DALLAS, TX: December 14, 2020:
ActivePure Technologies, LLC, announced that its air purifying technology inactivated over 99.9% of highly concentrated airborne SARS-CoV-2 virus in an enclosed setting in just 3 minutes, below detectable levels.
There are many purifiers making many claims. Make sure the one you choose will eradicate >99.9% viruses/bacteria in the Air & on All Surfaces!